CARF Surveyors to Visit CSC

CARF Golden Seal

A survey team from CARF International will visit Cleveland Sight Center on November 12 and 13, 2015. CARF International is an independent, not-for-profit family of organizations (including CARF, CARF Canada, and CARF-CCAC) that provides accreditation in the field of human services.

Cleveland Sight Center extended the invitation to surveyors to evaluate how CSC meets international standards of quality. The survey will identify what CSC does well and areas to improve. As a result of this survey, the agency may continue accreditation.

As part of the survey, the surveyors will interview people who receive services, their families, CSC staff and others. Some questions the survey team members might ask include:

  • Does CSC provide a clean and safe setting?
  • Do you receive the services you need and want?
  • Are you treated with respect?
  • Do you take part in planning your services?
  • Are you told what you need to know about your services?
  • Are your questions answered in a way you understand?
  • Do you know where to go with questions or concerns?

If you would like to talk with one of the survey team members or want to learn more about CARF International, please let one of the CARF staff members know. You may also contact CARF International directly.

Mail: CARF International, 6951 East Southpoint Road, Tucson, AZ 85756
Telephone: (520) 495-7001
Fax: (520) 318-1129
