About Cleveland Sight Center

Helping people who are blind or who have low vision.


We live in a visually-oriented world where so much of daily life is built on the premise that everyone has clear vision. But, Cleveland Sight Center recognizes everyone’s vision is different and can change over time. That’s why we’ve partnered with individuals of all ages and ranges of visual ability since 1906 to support them in navigating the visual world by:

  • Teaching a family with a baby how to adapt household items and toys to meet developmental milestones
  • Ensuring children and adults have the assistive technology they need to succeed in school and work
  • Providing vision exams and training on many technologies and tools that allow individuals to live the lives they want with vision they have
  • Continuing to advocate for a world where the quality of one’s sight does not determine the quality of one’s life
  • And so much more

Our mission is to provide individualized support and tools to navigate the visual world. When you start noticing your vision is impacting your life and glasses are no longer enough, we are here for you. As part of the continuum of care, our specialized staff create individualized plans to help each person understand their vision diagnosis, overcome barriers and reach their goals through a variety of service areas. 

Learn more about our service areas by clicking here.
