Highbrook Lodge


After much deliberation and consideration, the Board of Trustees of Cleveland Sight Center (CSC) have concluded that CSC will no longer operate Highbrook Lodge. The benefits of running camp were outweighed by the declining client demand, challenges in hiring and retaining qualified support staff and the risks of operating a residential, overnight facility. The Board is contemplating the future of the land and buildings at the 63-acre site in Chardon and welcomes proposals from third parties interested in owning or operating a camp. If you have recommendations or ideas about proposals from third parties interested in owning or operating a camp please email info@clevelandsightcenter.org.

Highbrook Lodge, Cleveland Sight Center’s beloved residential camp, was created in 1928 for the blind and visually impaired community. In its 95 years of existence it became a second home to campers, establishing itself as a safe place where campers could be themselves and build life-long friendships.

What does this mean for the future?

We cherish the friendships, community and vibrancy Highbrook Lodge created for members of the CSC community and will continue to provide a similar space through our Leisure and Lifestyle programming at CSC’s headquarters.

In the past few years, our Leisure and Lifestyle program has grown to offer an increased amount of recreational activities and field trips in the community to individuals of all ages. These year-round activities not only foster community among participants, but teach a variety of skills as well. In the past year, we hired an additional full-time staff member and six part time staff members to help with this growth in programming. Our Leisure and Lifestyle team will continue to create new, quality programming that is exciting and innovative to accommodate this growth. We are dedicated to providing programming that fosters independence and community in the same way that Highbrook Lodge did for so many years.

While it is hard to say goodbye, we are thankful that Highbrook Lodge showed us the true value and importance of friendship and community here at Cleveland Sight Center.

We appreciate you and your involvement with Highbrook Lodge. You helped us create 95 years of wonderful memories.
