Privacy Policy

Cleveland Sight Center has been serving the needs of people who are blind or have low vision for more than 100 years. We always put people first. We respect you as a person - we respect you as a client.

As a client of CSC, you always have the right to:

  • Be assured that all information pertaining to your personal records is confidential, and is available ONLY to those who need to know in order to assist you
  • Request and receive access to any and all information in your personal record
  • Contact and speak with your case manager about any issue

Just as we respect your rights, we also accept our responsibilities to:

  • Assess your vision needs
  • Recommend individualized skill building programs
  • Suggest ways we believe will improve your abilities and lead you to greater independence

Your lifelong knowledge of yourself and our century of experience form the basis of a partnership that empowers you, our agency and our community.
