Accessibility Services

Braille and Large Print

Cleveland Sight Center specializes in braille, large print, and tactile drawings. All of our braille transcribers are certified by the Library of Congress. We produce braille documents in single and double-sided formats, braille combined with printImage a of a person reading braille (single-sided only), and tactile drawings in several formats. Large print orders are customized to meet your needs.

We recommend requesting a free estimate if you have a specific project in mind. Please note that we offer additional copies of a document at a very inexpensive rate. For more information please contact or call 216-658-7357.

Accessible Websites and Documents

Accessible websites and documents are critical in today's world. Cleveland Sight Center provides professional and experienced Accessibility Testing for websites, PDFs, and software. We have over a decade of helping organizations with accessibility and Section 508-compliance.

Website Testing

We use a blend of manual and automated testing to ensure we get the whole picture. Our testers are experienced users of assistive technology and certified Assistive Technology Professionals. You will get a detailed report with actionable information your team can use.

PDF Testing & Remediation

Accessible PDF documents and forms are a must. Cleveland Sight Center can assess and remediate your PDFs making them Section 508-compliant. Forms, presentations, documents--we do them all.

Software Testing

Many companies today use proprietary software. While highly customized to the company's needs, these applications are not always accessible. If your company needs to know before--or after--you hire someone with accessibility needs, call Cleveland Sight Center.
