Meet Emmett

Emmett sits with his family on a bench outside. From left to right: Mom Jessica, Emmett's sister, Emmett and Emmett's dad.

In May 2019, my family and I flew from Puerto Rico to Cleveland in pursuit of life-changing medical care for my four-month-old son, Emmett. 

He was born with albinism, resulting in legal blindness and other health concerns. We moved to Cleveland because I wanted him to receive the best care possible.  

Moving was tough. We were alone and scared – we didn’t know anyone here. But along the way, Cleveland Sight Center became our family. I would honestly be completely lost without their guidance and knowledge.

Emmett smiles up at the camera while holding his white cane. Emmett came home from CSC’s preschool one day, he said to me,

“Mama, I fell down some stairs while I was in school because I couldn’t see, but it’s okay because I have my superpowers now.” 

He confidently showed me his white cane – his new superpower.

I knew then that Emmett would be okay.

Emmett is now four years old and CSC has completely changed his life trajectory. He feels limitless. He is confident, independent and quite the dare devil.

Because Emmett is so independent, people are often surprised that he is legally blind. I tell them what I’ve learned: that vision impairments don’t have to limit someone. When given the right tools and support, anyone can be limitless.

Let’s help make sure that anyone who is visually impaired can receive their superpowers, too.

-  Jessica Quiñones, Emmett’s Mom
