Success Stories



CSC’s rowing group, Team V.I.P.E.R. (Visually Impaired Persons Enjoying Rowing) completed their season on Saturday, August 22nd with the Western Reserve Rowing Association (WRRA) Regatta. Alicia Howerton, Stanley Griffin and Desmond Kennedy competed in the day’s races. CSC’s teams had a lot of support from all those in attendance! We thank WRRA, all their volunteers and salute our dedicated rowers for this successful inaugural season and we look forward to the 2016 rowing season! For more information on this program and other Recreation programs, click here or call 216-791-8118.



He contributed 550 volunteer hours, the equivalent of 69 eight-hour work days; he is passionate, active, engaged and has a continued desire to learn; he is dedicated to Cleveland Sight Center: that is just a glimpse of the immeasurable impact volunteer Mike Musgrave made at CSC during Fiscal Year 2014. A lifelong Cleveland resident and teacher in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District for 35 years, Mike’s desire to give back to others continues everyday through his involvement at CSC. Always in high demand, Mike spends his time reading to preschoolers, assisting the adult literacy program, serving as an ambassador at community and speaking engagements…the list is endless for this versatile volunteer. As stated by preschoolers Elliot and Jasleen “We LOVE when Mr. Mike comes to read to us!” 
