Virtual Trainings

Our Education and Advocacy Department offers two real-time virtual presentations for various professional groups working with children or adults with vision impairments:

Training one:  Overview of Common Eye Diseases
Time & Cost: 1 hour/$175

Participants will learn from our knowledgeable and highly experienced optometrist who specializes in low vision. This Professional Development Training includes a brief overview of Cleveland Sight Center and the variety of options a person has when glasses are not enough. Participants will review information about the visual system before taking a closer, detailed look at the most common eye diseases, including: 

  • Cataracts
  • Age Related Macular Degeneration
  • Diabetic Retinopathy
  • Glaucoma
  • And stroke   

Interesting case studies will be used to highlight the functional needs of previous clients and the low vision solutions/recommendations that were suggested. Participants will also learn about some of the recent treatment options for these common eye diseases and the goals of a low vision rehabilitation examination. This virtual presentation will include time for questions and answers. 

Training two: Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) Overview
Time & Cost: 1 hour/$125

*Availability is limited.  Please email or call 216-791-8118 for requests and availability.

Participants will learn from an experienced developmental specialist and teacher for the visually impaired. The presentation will cover the definition of CVI, and review the various medical causes of CVI and co-occurring diagnoses that could indicate that CVI may be impacting a child. Our presenter will review the various CVI characteristics/visual behaviors that a child may manifest and/or a parent may report. Participants will learn questions that educational or medical providers and evaluators should ask parents in order to earlier identify possible vision needs and make the needed referrals.

Lastly, general strategies and adaptation ideas will be shared to trial when working with a child who you suspect may be impacted by CVI. Each child with CVI is unique and should be assessed individually, so that specific adaptations and strategies be put in place according to his/her visual functioning.

Special Requests:

Call to inquire about virtual trainings covering other topics or tailored to your needs. Virtual trainings will begin at $125 and may increase depending on the request, length of presentation and staff required for presentation. 

Please email or call 216-791-8118 for requests and availability.   
