Early Intervention Holiday Gathering

Friday December 1, 10:00am - 11:00am
Cleveland Sight Center, 1909 East 101st Street Cleveland , OH

You’re invited to CSC’s Early Intervention Holiday Gathering!

Come join our Early Intervention Families and Specialists at a special themed playgroup. Siblings and family are welcome!

Friday, December 1 at Cleveland Sight Center, 10 - 11:30 a.m.

Activities will include:

  • Make and take holiday gift
  • Themed centers for babies and toddlers to explore
  • Fun sensory play activities
  • Photo opportunity with Santa
  • Snacks provided

Spots are limited! Contact Deb or Caley to RSVP:

Caley Haehn: 216-379-5739 or chaehn@clevelandsightcenter.org

Deb Tyukodi: 216-379-5789 or dtyukodi@clevelandsightcenter.org

Playgroup is not a Part C EI service.

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Early Intervention Specialist Deb smiles while a child lay in her lap.